Shown above are my Crocs shoes. Love my Crocs. Wear them a lot. Almost every photo shoot you'll see me in them. They are so comfortable, and a rage across the nation. See those little holes in the Crocs? Well, a family from Colorado just sold thier company to Crocs for $10 million. That's right, $10 MILLION. Their company makes little charms, called Jibbitz, that you snap into the holes on Crocs.
A simple idea. Lots of people could have thought of it, and probably some did. However, not only did this family think of it. They took action and started a company. Now thier little company, selling little charms for $2.50 a piece, is worth $10 million (with another $10 million coming if they make certain production goals).
So, what kind of action are you going to take today? It doesn't have to be starting a multi million dollar business. It can be something as simple as scheduleing that photo shoot you've been putting off. Or, ordering those extra portraits you wanted for Grandma. Start small, so you're not the one saying, could have, would have, should have. As Nike says, Just Do It!
I'm off to buy me some Jibbitz! Bye for now!
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