Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Accident

This photo was a happy accident. The result of bringing my camera just about everywhere. However, now I have a daily ritual documented forever. You see, I walk my youngest to the bus stop daily. As the bus hits the point where it is in this photo, he gets three goodbye kisses. The bus is close enough to know it is coming, far enough away so that all the kids on the bus can't see his mom giving him goodbye kisses. (Yes, he's growing up!)
This particular day, I was planning to shoot some late fall berries I had seen the day before. The berry photos.....result, so-so. This particular photo......priceless! It will be engraved in my heart forever. So my thought for today. Hold dear those daily rituals. Document them. They are the moments that make life worth living and vanish all to fast.

1 comment:

La- said...

That is sooo sweet! I love this photo of R and what a wonderful story to go with it!!
