Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Holiday Orders..

Dalton-2 Dalton-1Dalton-3 We have been slammed with Holiday orders and are so grateful! To those who haven’t ordered portraits for the Holidays but still want to….ALL HOLIDAY ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 10 AT THE VERY LATEST TO ASSURE HOLIDAY DELIVERY. Thanks so much!! Portraits make GREAT Holiday gifts! And because no post can go without a few photos. Here are a few updated photos of one of my favorite models, Dalton! Dalton and his mom helped start my business. He is growing so much. These images will be used for some competitions that Dalton enters each year and also on his families holiday card.  You are so good looking Dalton!


Shallyse Gastelum | Raleigh NC Photographer said...

Dalton is such a handsome young man, and you captured some great portraits of him! I love his eyes and his natural smile. Beautiful work!

Justine said...

Michelle, you have been doing some really great work! So glad to hear that business is booming!