Thursday, August 23, 2012


Tasha-S-Tasha-S-1Tasha-S-2Tasha-S-3Tasha-S-4Tasha-S-5Tasha was one of my first models when I first started my business…she was about 9 or 10 and came over with Brooke, Brenda’s daughter.We were playing around with photos and did some with Brooke and Tasha! She didn’t know then that she would be coming back years later for senior portraits. My how she has changed in 7 or so years. So grown up and so pretty! Her mom is just a gem too. I love her upbeat outlook. One of those people that makes you happy after spending time with them.  Hope you love your senior portraits Tasha! We will be cheering you on at all the competitions senior year!

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