Monday, January 14, 2013

Brrrrrrr–52 Clicks Project

52-clicks-brr-552-clicks-brrr652-clicks-brrr-252-clicks-brrr-352-clicks-brrr752-clicks-brrr-752-clicks-brrr-1I find it a bit ironic that the theme this week for our 52 clicks project is Brrrrrr. Yes, one of the coldest weeks this winter for sure, if not in several winters. Crazy cold here!!! And just as I leave for Atlanta to attend Imaging, the biggest photography conference of the year, the temperatures will rise in Denver as the they fall in Atlanta. Yep, in the negative numbers right now here, 70’s there. Toward the end of the week both cities will enjoy about the same weather. HOWEVER, I expect it to be COLDER in Atlanta because of the humidity. Irony.   : p

I thought I would give a little editing  background on these images for those that are photographers or aspiring. I shot them this morning right before sunrise. The snow and the color cast from the sky changed the white balance on my images blue. I usually shoot auto white balance (after years of carrying a gray card with me at all times the first few years of my business, I got lazy). Then, color correct in post in Lightroom.  But, this time when I did I didn't like the results. In fact, I went ahead and changed them even bluer with an action in Photoshop. Brrrrrrr!!!!

 For more information on the 52 Clicks project, or to join us with your own 50 Clicks at this point, click here.


Tanja said...

LOVE these, Michelle!

Linda said...

beautiful--love the lantern's icy crystals!

Linda said...

Beautiful--Love the icy crystals on the lantern!