Friday, July 05, 2013

A Patriotic Post!

I have been SO neglectful of my blog. However, if I don't post this one in the certain time frame it won't be valid. So, it's making me get back to work and get my butt in gear. I have spent the last few months moving my parents to a retirement community. My sister has been visiting from Ohio for a month to help with the process of selling their house and all the needs of their new place. PLUS, we took a fun vacation around the western Caribbean! I will do some back tracking and posting later, but for's Ellie!!

Ellie is a senior model who wasn't able to join us on the safari shoot out (which I also haven't blogged) so we wrapped her senior shoot and her model shoot into one big very long, but very fun, shoot! Ellie so reminds me of an All American girl and was perfect for this Patriotic themed model shoot (we also did something else fun I will share later!) We ended her shoot with this most perfect sunset! How blessed we are to live in Colorado and see this almost nightly! Watch for many, many catch up posts coming soon!

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