Many of you have seen me wearing this little bear necklace. I don't take it off very often. No, this is not some tear jerking story about how my father gave it to me just before he died, or anything like that. In fact, my father is very much alive. It's just a little tidbit of needless information. A little look into my life, if you will. Isn't that what blogs are about anyway?
On to the story........
The necklace is from The Golden Bear. A jewelry store in Vail, Colorado. When my family first moved to Colorado, many, many, years ago, we would visit and stay in Vail for a few days every summer. We didn't ski, Vail was still in it's infancy, and it was a beautiful and fairly inexpensive place to spend a few summer days. Boy, oh boy, do I wish my parents had bought that condo they were talking about then. What could be had for about $60,000 then, would be worth well over a million today, but I digress.
I would visit that jewelry store, and I so wanted one of the signature golden bear necklaces. As a ten year old, I couldn't afford it. As I grew, so did the prices, just like that condo. I still visit Vail every summer, and now lots of time in the winter too, to ski with my kids now. About two years ago, I splurged and came home with a necklace (so it's silver, instead of gold, but my tastes have changed over the past 35 years)! Unfortunately, that very year was the year my husband had decided to get me the necklace. He wound up getting me the matching earrings instead. My bad, spoiling his surprise.
Anyway, that's the story behind my necklace. Nothing to exciting, but a story none the less. Visiting Vail, and the Beaver Creek area, this week, reminded me of it. Isn't that what life is all about anyway, the little stories that make up our lives? I try to capture a very small bit of those stories with my camera, and preserve them for you, forever, in a portrait.
You can visit The Golden Bear at http://thegoldenbear.com/. Enjoy!
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