Thursday, September 21, 2006

Play Dough

So you're probably saying to yourself, why is there an image of a bench here when the title of the entry is play dough? Well the image is to remind me to slow down, take a break, and realize what is really important. Here's what happened, (yep, another story) I forgot to make my youngest play dough for a school project. Luckily, the teacher had the foresight to ask everybody to make two batches, for those who forgot. I used to be the mom who made two batches, now I'm the one who forgot. Three kids, a husband, a dog, a house, and a business got the better of me. Unfortunately, my youngest is the one who needs me most.

Many of you know that he has a genetic disease, NF2. There are lots of implications to his disease, but Ryan has handled it like a trooper. His loving and happy disposition keep me going. On my little get away these past few days, I had a brainstorm. To create some notecards with 100% of the profits going to the Children's Tumor Foundation. You can read more about the foundation at I'm hoping to do this at my slow time in January. So look for them in early spring.

Anyway, Ryan loves art. So tonight, we made play dough together. Afterwards, he created a city of play dough. Complete with boats, cars, and skyscrapers. It made us both happy.

Playdough Recipe
1/2 cup salt
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons vegtable oil
Mix in pot over medium heat until soft dough forms (appoximately 3-5 minutes)
Add food coloring, if desired

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