Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nicole Gets the Russian Sage!

The one image Nicole's mom mentioned she liked from my website was the image of Spenser in front of the Russian Sage bush in my yard. Well, the Russian Sage JUST Bloomed, AND we did an afternoon session, so it was in the shade. Sooooo.....Nicole is one of the first to get the Russian Sage this year! AND, she had to brave lots of bees to do it. Well, she had to brave bees and wasps her whole session, but that's another story. Right after her session my husband went out and fixed that problem. Yea, no more wasps at least! Thank goodness!
On the first image (that's the Russian Sage one) I had the hardest time deciding if I should pick looking at the camera of looking off. Guess I went with looking off. lol. The whole session we were battling Nicole's bangs to get them out of her eyes. Well, in that photo (and several others from her session) they are a bit in her eyes, but I kind of like it that way! Who knew?
Nicole shares a passion for photography with me, so I had to show one with her camera. Good luck in your senior year, and your photography class this year, Nicole. If you need any help, you know who to come to!

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