Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You’ve Got to Admit…


  sofia-2sofia-6 sofia-3 sofia-5 You’ve got to admit that Sofia looks so much like a popular actress, and it’s not just the haircut. Those eyes! Just look at those eyes! Amazing! Sofia and her mom are such sweethearts. She’s motivated too. She wants to be in international lawyer! Her all time favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice (my kind of girl!) and her favorite quality about herself is that she is forgiving. But sorry guys this gem of a girl is already taken. Great getting to know you Sofia! Enjoy your sneak peek!


Revenda Bierley Carlisle Pa Photographer said...

Michelle, These are beautiful images of a beautiful young woman! Lovely work as usual.

Alissa said...

She is gorgeous and you can see that sweet personality!