Friday, July 29, 2011

Maci Magic

Maci-C-1Maci-C-2Maci-C-3Maci-C-5Maci-C5Sooo excited about the portraits!! Beautiful girl! Beautiful horse! Beautiful setting! A photographer’s dream.  It was one of those magic moments. The forces were definitely with us. It was windy, but just that perfect hair blowing wind for her gorgeous hair. It was just short of high noon…awful time for portraits but they still turned out great (thanks to some great lighting by Brenda! Thank you Brenda!) Maci and her mom said that the horse that we photographed was usually good, but sometimes would get distracted by her other horse. That didn’t happen and both horses were a dream.  Just a magic day with some of the nicest people ever. Thanks Maci and Romney!

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