Like I said before, to most senior guys, portraits are something they endure. Reluctantly. They come in not happy at all. The middle pose was from the beginning of the session. Travis wanted one picture. Travis didn't hear that I shoot A LOT! But... we kept talking, and shooting, and talking some more. Then, we got a few small smiles, like the top one, at the middle of the session. I don't know if it was the promise of the burger, or just wanting to be done, but by the end, Travis had some full on smiles. In fact, he was even laughing. I was too.
I'll let you in on a little secret. The guys aren't the only ones that undergo a transformation, during my shoots. I start out almost every session so nervous that I swear it will be my last one. But... we keep talking, and shooting, and talking some more. Then, I remember why I love this job so much. It's the families, like Travis and his mom, that make it so fun for me. They are such wonderful, kind people, that I can't help but have a good time. And... I remember why I love this job so much and will never quit. Thanks Travis and Susan, for reminding me.
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