Need to give a shout out to a family friend, Tyler, shown above in a few of the many activities he's in. Seems Tyler was just awarded a fabulous scholarship. I've got to say, no one is more deserving. Not because he is in a slew of athletics and activities. He is. Not because he is bright and does well in school. He does that too. But mostly, because whenever I have said his name I hear, "He is such a nice guy!" And, more times than not, it is backed up with a story.
Stories of big things, like spending a lot of time at the hospital bedside of an injured friend and teammate. Hanging Christmas lights for an elderly lady. Or smaller things, like waiting outside school, with another friend, while their mom gets there, so they don't have to wait alone. Picking up another friend early for school, in the snow, when he doesn't have to be there early, so their mom doesn't have to take them in. I really could go on and on but I know he would be embarrassed. Humility is another of Tyler's qualities.
Tyler has told me before that he is too nice. I told him to never change. It is a fabulous quality. I see great successes in his future, and I know that the organization who gave him the scholarship made a tremendous choice.
Congratulations Tyler!!
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain
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