Saturday, June 12, 2010

Are You Ready For Your Close Up?

Carly-D-2Carly-D-5 Carly-D-1   Carly-D-4  Carly is one of our Senior Models From Chaparral.  She has the most beautiful blue eyes, and I kept wanting to crop in closer, and closer, on her images to highlight those eyes. However, the flowers are so pretty right now, it’s hard to crop those out in a close up, so I split the difference, some close, some not. She will have some of each in her gallery when it is finished! Carly loves bright colors and photos, she is outgoing, and for her senior year plans to have fun, work hard, and get a great GPA. Good Luck in your senior year Carly! I’m sure you will achieve ALL of you goals!!


admin said...

She is gorgeous!! Great work Michelle!! Love the lighting!

none said...

These are beautiful Michelle!