Sunday, October 09, 2011



This is my Aunt Rose and Uncle Leonard. I won’t even tell you their age because you wouldn’t believe it (and they probably wouldn’t like me too!). Let’s just say that my Uncle Leonard’s birthday is not that very far away from my Dad’s. On  Pinterest I have a board called motivation. It features photos of what I want to look like and serves as inspiration to achieve a healthy fit lifestyle. I think my Aunt and Uncle need to be on that board. They are role models for what healthy eating (even Italian foods!) and staying active can do for you.  My Aunt plays tennis, or walks, almost daily and my Uncle is an avid fisherman.  Aunt Rose is an amazing cook and makes all sorts of fresh healthy recipes. They came to visit a while back and now they finally get to see their photos from the very quick session that we did. Thanks for your patience Aunt Rose and Uncle Len! I think you should come back and visit again  soon. Better yet….another family reunion needs to be planned. Steph and Chase were 4 and 1 at the last one, and Ryan wasn’t even around! I think Winter Park needs another influx of a bunch of Zerilli’s to come visit!


Jana Hill said...

You have some great genes in your family! What a good looking couple.

Justine - ND Photographer said...

Beautiful photos and a beautiful couple!

Creative Images by Tammy said...

Oh these are wonderful!

Paula said...

These are beautiful...what a sweet couple they are!