Monday, February 01, 2010

Graduation is approaching 2010!

And yes! There is still time for senior portraits! Austin goes to a private school where they all have to wear the same thing for the yearbook. He and his mom came to me for the fun outdoor stuff.
It was a beautiful day and Austin was a great sport. Putting up with me drilling him about his life and plans for the future ( I really do love these seniors and love hearing about their lives!) and going all sorts of places around the studio, and changing clothes. I know. Every guy's dream is to spend their Saturday, changing clothes, taking pictures, and talking to moms. NOT! Austin handled it with Panache. Thanks Austin!
Maybe the thought of going to a huge Nerf gun battle, throughout the four stories of his school immediately afterward, helped bring on those great smiles. Now, that sounds a lot more fun than taking portraits. Shoot, I wanted to go! Hope you had fun and did well Austin. It was great to meet you and your mom!

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