Monday, June 28, 2010

P.P.C.- K.I.S.S. Event 2010

  ppckiss10-kroll-6774 ppckiss10-kroll-6790ppckiss10-kroll-6779 ppckiss10-kroll-6754ppckiss10-kroll-6783 ppckiss10-kroll-6787  ppckiss10-kroll-6922ppckiss10-kroll-6881  ppckiss10-kroll-6898-crop ppckiss10-kroll-6903 ppckiss10-kroll-6911  ppckiss10-kroll-6941-crop ppckiss10-kroll-6950-crop  ppckiss10-kroll-6891ppckiss10-kroll-6953-cropppckiss10-kroll-6957-crop ppckiss10-kroll-6964
ppckiss10-kroll-6979-crop-cafe-mocha-textureYep, that’s a lot of initials. Soooo, what is all means is Professional Photographers of Colorado, Keep it Simple Seniors Event 2010.  AND, what it is….70 plus photographers, a handful of senior models, only cameras and reflectors, all let loose on the streets of Downtown Denver for a day. It’s a chance to learn from each other, try some new techniques, be a little edgy, be a little creative, and have a whole LOT of fun!! And fun it was! We had beautiful weather, fabulous models, and a whole lot of, all of the above accomplished. The extra added bonus was lots of new friendships formed, and some fun adventures…yep, there’s a story there, but don’t know if I should tell. :) Love me some PPC KISS!


Alison said...

These are some rockin' images! Totally cool and you have a great eye!

Leilani Smith said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! These are absolutely gorgeous -- everything! The models, the locations, the camera work. Stunning!

Creative Images by Tammy said...


Revenda Bierley said...

Wow girl, I must agree.. you are rockin it!

Paula said...

Love these!!!! Looks like a fun day of shooting.