Friday, September 10, 2010

Do Not Try This At Home

 Emilee-1 Emilee-4Emilee-2 Emilee-3 

Emilee-5Here’s Emilee and her three, yes three, horses! I got to tell you I am pretty excited that we got a cute shot with all three of the horses! (and there’s more cute ones I didn’t show!) I also got to tell you that we were a little concerned when I asked Emilee to get by the ground and she got all the way on the ground. REALLY close to her horses hooves. One little misstep……and… know. However, her horses were really well behaved, and Emilee REALLY knew what she was doing! She is a proud member of the Westernnaires Riding Team. A precision horse riding team. Her sweater shows all the awards and time she has spent as a part of the team.  The last shot I had to show just for fun. Emilee can make her horse “smile” on command! Perfect for his senior picture. lol.  We got some great shots of just Emilee, like the top one. But I knew Emilee would be most interested in the ones with her beloved horses, so I showed the most of those. Great shoot and a great location! Thanks for having us out Emilee and Alison! And, to all my blog reader friends..just a word of advice… do not try laying by your horses hooves at home…unless you know yourself and your horses as well as Emilee!.

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