Friday, January 06, 2012

Sunshine and Sassy


This week a friend of mine from Through Your Eyes Photography got together to just play with my daughter and my last summer’s intern Hannah as models. I took two totally different approaches to editing these photos because these girls have their own personalities. Miss Hannah is all Sweetness and Sunshine so I edited with a soft hazy look. And Miss Steph is Feisty and Sassy….so she got the more colorful look. You see, not only were we playing with lighting in pre-production, but I also was playing with editing in post production.  A good image needs to be good SOOC (straight out of the camera for those non photogs reading). The lighting, pose and camera settings all need to be in place to have a great image. But, it still amazes me how when we take that great image SOOC of the camera and “play” with it in Lightroom and Photoshop what a huge difference it makes. The great becomes even better. It might be time for a before and after post soon! Ciao for now!   Michelle

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