Friday, July 30, 2010


 Murphy-1 Murphy-2 Murphy-3  Murphy-4 Murphy-5 Murphy-6

Doesn’t Murphy have a fun name? It goes perfectly with her last name too! So, if Sophie had a lot of  looking off pictures that I liked, Murphy looked great in “head tilt looking over her shoulder” pictures. I had chosen four. Only one made the blog. :) Murphy had just come back from vacation, and a not so great airport adventure. Glad she was feeling well enough for some great senior pictures! She did get a chance to fill out her info sheet at the airport on her phone (don’t you love technology?) So, some things about Murphy….Best Advice: Live Every moment like it is your last. Favorite TV Show:Bachelorette  (mine too..never miss it!) Something that makes her happy: Friends, Family and her boyfriend. Like that one too! So that’s Murphy! And I’m off to bed!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Love your senior photography and I love that you get to know your seniors during the shoot!