Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fresh Back From a Visit to China!

 Molly-December-1Molly-December-5 Molly-December-2 Molly-December-3 Molly-December-4 Little Miss M is a seasoned  traveler at the tender age of almost 5. She has been a lot of places throughout the United States and recently got back from a trip to China to visit her birthplace. Her mom brought back an adorable Chinese outfit, so of course we needed to head to the studio and take some photos in it.  She showed me some dances from a Chinese children's video she watches where the girls sing and dance with paper umbrellas. She is so adorable and a great little model!! Loved having you and your mom visit Miss M!


Paula - Boston Photographer said...

She is so gorgeous! Love the custom dress she wore. Beautiful Child Photography in Parker Colorado.

Gina Geigley | Hawaii Photographer said...

What a beautiful child! The colors you chose to compliment her dress are perfect! Love these!

La- @ The Curvy Life said...

She is gorgeous and the children's portraits that you captured are terrific!!


Revenda Bierley Photography said...

The first one is my favorite. I hope she had a great time in China!